€ 9.950,00
De Audio Analogue Maestro Anniversary is een prachtige geïntegreerde versterker met 3 analoge RCA ingangen en 2 XLR ingangen. De versterker is volledig mono opgebouwd en kan zelfs zeer moeilijke luidsprekers goed aansturen.
Het inruilen van uw apparatuur is eventueel mogelijk op de Audio Analogue geïntegreerde versterker. Neem hiervoor graag even contact met ons via onderstaande button “informatie aanvragen”. Dan nemen wij zo spoedig mogelijk contact met u op.
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De Audio Analogue Maestro Anniversary is een unieke versterker, de opmerkelijke kracht die altijd verdubbelt met afnemende impedantie en zijn buitengewone rijvaardigheden, gaan gepaard met een unieke muzikaliteit en verfijning die niet zo vaak voorkomt bij “spierversterkende” versterkers. Helaas is het niet gemakkelijk om alle eigenaardigheden in woorden uit te drukken en daarom nodigen we u uit om er zo snel mogelijk naar te luisteren en dat kan alleen maar meer dan ooit bevestigen MUSICA MAESTRO !!!
De Maestro werd geboren in de laboratoria van AIRTECH naar aanleiding van de ervaring die werd opgedaan met de ontwikkeling van de Puccini Anniversary. Het basisschema lijkt erg op elkaar, maar met een belangrijk verschil: de versterkingsketting is volledig gebalanceerd van ingang tot eindtrap die uit balans raakt met de luidsprekers. Het resulteert in een technische fraaie maar ook zeer muzikale versterker.
back to the Hammersmith Odeon some time in the mid-’70s, when the band [Steeleye Span] … played blinding gigs of whirling violins, soaring vocals, punchy drums and slamming power-chords. The Maestro Anniversary is just as adept with close-focused jazz of the ‘brushes on skin, resonant bass and delicate piano’ school, but it’s also very capable with sweeping orchestral works.
Hifi News & Record Review
Ook bij de Maestro Anniversary zijn alle stadia zonder feedback. De feedback wordt niet eens gebruikt op de voorversterker stage, zoals in Audio Analogue Puccini wel het geval is. Het uitgangsvermogen werd verhoogd tot 150W op 8Ω met de daaruit volgende aanpassing van alle driver- en vermogenstrappen die nu vier paren transistors per kanaal gebruiken. De basisconfiguratie blijft ook bij de Audio Analogue Maestro Anniversary een omgekeerde cascade die vergelijkbaar is met een enkele versterkingsfase gevolgd door de uitvoerbuffer. De stabiliteit van het werkpunt wordt gehandhaafd via een DC Servo die alleen werkt bij frequenties onder een paar tienden van Hertz (dan volledig buiten de audioband).
De ontwerpers van Audio Analogue selecteerden voor de Maestro componenten van het hoogste niveau: militaire standaardweerstanden, polypropyleen audiograde condensatoren op maat gemaakt voor AIRTECH, interne bedrading met 7N OCC koper en puur koperen uitgangsconnectoren. Daarmee werd een versterker gebouwd die eer om de erfgenaam van de glorieuze Maestro Integrated te zijn en daarom volledig mee te doen aan de jubileumlijn die tegelijkertijd viert, de eerste 20 jaar Audio Analogue, maar ook 15 jaar door de introductie van het eerste product van Audio Analogue om de Maestro-naam te dragen.
This integrated amp’s sound is akin to an iron first in a silk glove. It was able to power the relatively inefficient Kharma speakers with no problem whatsoever, with massive macro-dynamics swings, very powerful pitch stable and bottomless sounding bass, and at the same time could draw me into the music with whisperingly small shifts in microdynamics, and sparkling, detailed, and agile upper treble.
Tom Lyle – Enjoy the Music
De Audio Analogue Maestro Anniversary is leverbaar in zwart en zilver. Een bijpassende aluminium afstandbediening wordt meegeleverd.
Benieuwd naar de Audio Analogue Maestro Anniversary? U bent van harte welkom in de winkel.
€ 11.490,00 Oorspronkelijke prijs was: € 11.490,00.€ 8.699,00Huidige prijs is: € 8.699,00.
Jutta Dziwnik – Hifi Australia
Turning the volume up just increased the feeling of emotional involvement with the music to live performance levels and the Audio Analogue Maestro was never found wanting, no matter how dynamic the music became…
Tom Lyle – Enjoy The Music
To have this solid-state amplifier as the centerpiece and center piece of a high-end system would be a smart move for any audiophile that is able to afford it. and has or will have the associated equipment that is able to take advantage of its very high-end sound. Recommended.
James Parker – Hifi News & Record Review
back to the Hammersmith Odeon some time in the mid-’70s, when the band [Steeleye Span] … played blinding gigs of whirling violins, soaring vocals, punchy drums and slamming power-chords. The Maestro Anniversary is just as adept with close-focused jazz of the ‘brushes on skin, resonant bass and delicate piano’ school, but it’s also very capable with sweeping orchestral works.
While its warmth won’t be to every taste, and others may find the simplicity of the input provision limiting, the Maestro Anniversary is a mature-sounding and superbly built alternative to more conventional preamp/power amplifier combinations.
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Arend_Jan Adriaanse –
Evaluation Audio Analogue Meastro Anniversary versus Accuphase E470
Set up:
Naim CDX2 + CD555PS DR + Atlas Mavros Grun interlink
Naim NDX + Atlas Mavros interlink
Proac D48R
Atlas EOS 4.0 dd powercords
Owning the E470 for about 2 years I made a switch toward the AA Maestro. How I came to it is a long story, so I will not bother you with it.
The Accuphase is an incredible unit. Powerful and packed with detail on all frequency levels. The volume scales up beautifully not favoring a frequency range. The imaging is fantastic. Performers are very well localized and compact. There is never a hard edge to anything. All sounds smooth.
The AA Maestro Anniversary was hooked up and switched on. Immediately I noticed more air around instruments and performers but for sure I had to give it a break-in/burn-in time so I did (about 8 days 24hrs a day and medium or low level; cannot play loud with kids around). But I really noticed a change out of the box. The AAMA definitively delivers more detail. The additional detail results in more realistically represented performers and instruments. Incredible. The Accuphase was already so good, did not expect this to be so evident. I did hear parts of music that were unclear or never there before but now they are. Singers were focused very sharp with the Accuphase which seems to be less good at the moment with the AAMA but as mentioned the unit is only 8 days in operation. What is different as well is the openness of the sound. The Accuphase connects/glues/honeys all up where detail gets lost and the AAMA every single performer is really on hers/his own with all the air and detail around and coherent put on stage. The AAMA gives an open soundstage with a lot of individual detail. Were singers were very localized the voices broaden up with an incredible detail.
The mid and high frequencies are very good as well. Voices from Gianmaria Testa, Diana Krall or Melody Gardot are very realistic. Life recordings from e.g. Fleetwood Mac are very convincing, great detail and dynamics with an almost absolute control. The highs are a little sharper but NOT harsh or edgy. For sure the Accuphase has this warmer sound in all frequency layers. The rise of a note is faster in the AAMA and it decays faster as well all resulting in a higher resolution, separation, of the recorded sound. The sound from the CD is almost a live performance at home, more than with the Accuphase. The sound for the AAMA is very clean, packed with detail, realistic. Resonances in acoustic guitars, highhats etc can be heard much clearer now. Any musical vibration is noted.
What struck me as well, to my big surprise, is the control in the lower frequencies. On paper I would say that the Accuphase would or should be a lot better in bass performance but to my opinion it is not. Despite the much higher damping factor of the Accuphase (500 vs 50) the control of the AAMA is better. Less humming will be observed. Bass is tight and powerful. Maybe the warmer tuning of the Accuphase causes the humming in my system/speakers (maybe too much of the low frequencies present). The absence of this warmer tone in the AAMA compared with the Accuphase result maybe also in the fact that is seems the volume can be turned up more without causing the resonances/humming to appear.
Some side comments:
Nicer shipping carton box equaling the high standards of the actual unit.
Nylon screws for remote control as the iron one’s damage surfaces you put the remote on as they stick out. Other option make them sink into the metal casing.
Volume control at linear but need to get used to it. The Accuphase was very delicate to adjust. This one (AAMA) is rougher more corse. In the linear more I have to turn up the volume to 2/3 of the maximum (10-11 leds burning). With the Accuphase I never went higher than maybe 1/3, which gave me -40/-36 db. On paper the AAMA should be more powerful at 4 Ω, 300W (but I saw paper stating 394W) vs 260W for the Accuphase. Maybe I have to use another volume setting with the AAMA.
The AAMA is a more open, more detailed, cleaner amplifier than the E470 from Accuphase. Mid and highs are very transparent and informative. The bass control is also phenomenal. For sure personal taste plays a role as well but here with the AAMA articulation of words, dynamics around instruments, air or space around performers, is simply better according to my opinion than the E470. It is like with an OLED TV compared to 4k LED. Back is blacker and white is whiter, resolution is better so all in all it gives you a better insight in the picture, in this case the soundstage and the musicians. The AAMA is therefore highly recommended.
Records listened to:
Trentemoller – The last resort
Diana Krall – Turn up the Quiet
Melody Gardot – Worrisome heart & The Absence
Gianmaria Testa – Solo dal vivo & Lampo
Fleetwood Mac – The Dance
Phil Collins – Face Value
Now, 10/06/2020, with a few more listening hours, even the quite dark CD Lambshop-is a woman, opens up completely. Previously it was a darker stage, now all musicians are much clearer positioned and the soundstage opened and can be interpreted. As all the music was damped in the past but it is now cleaner, clearer, better, as it should be.